Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin in my eyes has become the new George W. Bush. I liked W from the minute he appeared on the radar in the 2000 Presidential election. I liked him because you could look in his eyes and see he was the real deal. He said what he meant and he meant what he said. Over the next eight years I watched as the media mutilated President Bush. They did everything in their power to make sure that he was the most hated man on the planet. Even for someone who had always admired W as I did, I found myself starting to wonder if maybe I shouldn't like him so much. All of a sudden it became uncomfortable to admit that I admired and respected President George W Bush.

Now I find the same thing is happening with Sarah Palin. I liked her from the minute I laid eyes on her, when she walked out on a stage with John McCain, to announce that she was the VP Candidate and I have liked her ever since. She has the same "Americanism" as Ronald Reagan. She believes in this country. She is the woman that lived in a small town and decided to get involved. She is the woman that admits that Jesus Christ in number one in her life, then her family, then her country. She is a woman that would fight to the death to protect the ones that she loves.

Sarah Palin may or may not run for President. I almost hope she doesn't because of the blood bath that will ensue in the media. But if she does she will have my support. No I don't think that Sarah Palin is a genius or has all the answers but I do believe that she is an American through and through and would make a great President. I just think it is sad though that so many people will let the opinion of others cloud their judgement when looking at this phenomenal woman.

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